Tuesday, August 24, 2010


A little bit about VW Bus ownership and life: I have owned a few VW's over the past 30 or so years, including 2 buses, and have learned a little about life. First, life and bus ownership both take maintenance. Bus maintenance means you start at the front and work your way to the back, only to start all over at the front again. In life, if something breaks or comes loose, fix it right away or the repair list gets too long to handle. A relationship with your friends, family or your bus is messy with a lot of love and hate all mixed in together. When things are smooth running, the love is evident in your stride. When you suck a valve or spin a rod bearing, heat, friction, and four letter words happen. Don't trade your friends, family, or your bus in for a Honda. You will miss out on maintenance.  Keep tools nearby. You will need them. And, one last thing: VW bus ownership is a disease, for which there is no cure. So is life. None of us will make it off the earth alive. Enjoy the ride.

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